About Us

NEXTIUS PROPERTY FINANCE is a Compartment of NEXTIUS FINANCE VCIC AIFLNP LTD an open ended Alternative Investment Fund with Limited Number of Persons authorized by Cyprus Securities and Exchange Commission under license number LPAIF117/2014 and addressed to Professional and Well-Informed Investors.
NEXTIUS PROPERTY FINANCE aims to provide bridge and development secured loans in order to finance UK commercial, institutional and residential real estate properties. The Compartment’s primary investment objective is to provide Investors with fixed generating income while seeking to limit downside risk by, amongst others, taking into account sector, demand and area needs when choosing Portfolio Investments.


The Manager shall pursue to accomplish the Compartment’s investment objective through financing the acquisition and/or development and/or reconstruction of various types of real estate projects situated in the United Kingdom that have the potential of delivering superior, risk-adjusted returns and are determined by the Manager as reliable of repaying a debt obligation. The Compartment’s objective is to facilitate the provision of bridging finance to UK’s property market sustainably through developing positive customer relationships (whilst treating customers fairly), subjecting borrowers to a robust underwriting assessment prior to drawdown and monitoring those loans to ensure covenants are maintained.

Our Team

George Foradaris

Non- Executive Director

Costas Nicolaides

Non- Executive Director

Jit Karia

Executive Director

Philippos Papadopoulos

Independent Non- Executive Director

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